Since the beginning of 2020, 1340 novice farmers have benefited from the grant support from the Russian Ministry of Agriculture with 9.5 billion rubles allocated for this purpose under the State Program of the Agriculture Development. 463 family farm development projects have also received the funding.
Another form of the support is the grants for development of material and technical base of agricultural consumer cooperatives – these grants are provided to facilitate the sales of agricultural products from small businesses, as well as to stimulate the agricultural consumers’ cooperation. Since the beginning of the year, 133 projects have been selected to receive such grants.
In addition, this year, the small agricultural business has been provided with an opportunity to purchase the trade facilities, equipment and special transport within the framework of the preferential lending program, including the grant funds. The undertaken measures are aimed at expanding the markets, organizing the own sales points and cooperative markets, including the chains of the farm product stores.
In addition, within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium Entrepreneurship and Support to Individual Entrepreneurship Initiative", the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia is implementing a federal project "Establishment of a System of Support to Farmers and Development of Rural Cooperation", which funding consumed allocation of 3867 billion rubles in 2020. The Federal project envisages the grants to “Agricultural startup s”, where the applicant can be both a newly organized farm and a citizen of the Russian Federation, registered in rural territory. 988 farms have received these grants for the three quarters of this year. In addition, 176 agricultural consumers’ cooperatives have already received the additional support within the framework of the Federal project.
The managers of the exhibition "AgroFarm" attentively follow the trends of the sector development. In view of the fact that the improvement in the profitability of the agricultural business is a most important objective at the moment, the main subject of the exhibition in 2021 will be "Profitable farm". The focus of the business program is the state support measures aimed at establishment of environment for sustainable development of the agricultural production of all forms of ownership, growth of the number of farms and scaling up of the agricultural business to ensure the food independence and development of the world market of agricultural products.
Welcome to "AgroFarm 2021"!
According to the materials: The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation