The agricultural education system in Russia allows effectively bringing skilled staff and scientific resources of agriculture sector of our country. At the present time, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia (Minselkhoz) coordinates activities of 54 higher education establishments which annually release more than 35,000 highly demanded specialists.
Graduating students of universities supervised by the Ministry find employment not only in APC companies but also in related sectors of economy. They also work in high-technology processes, science and management.
The use of modern approaches to education, development of scientific and technical potential, broadening of international ties and effective interaction with business allow universities of Minselkhoz of Russia to hold the status of the regional centers of agricultural science. Areas of training include agricultural chemistry, soil sciences, ecology, veterinary medicine, land development, zooculture, agriculture company economy, geodetic, agricultural machinery, and land-clearing.
The education system considers all requirements to training of high skilled specialists, topical tasks of digital transformation of the Russian APC, implementation of integrated science and technology programs as well as other most important areas. The process of renovation of the material and technical basis goes continuously. New educational methodologies are implemented. The professional level of teachers is increasing.
At the present time, agricultural universities of the country have significant material, technical, information, methodical support, and software for the training process that allows not only to train the staff but also to do research, carry out fundamental and applied studies, participate in bringing new races and cross-breeds and breeding. Scientific articles produced by educational institutions of Minselkhoz of Russia are published in leading world issue-related publications. Annually, agriculture students win prizes of scientific and creativity contests and participate in scientific endeavors and developments.
The International Agriculture Exhibition “AgroFarm-2021” will include the science and practice conference “RUSSIAN VILLAGE: YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW”. It will discuss the implementation results of the governmental program “The Integrated Development of Rural Areas”. It will approach the issues of infrastructure development, involvement of highly skilled staff and creation of necessary conditions for living and efficient work in villages of young specialists and citizens who decided to change the city life for the rural one.
Leading experts, representatives of the governmental institutions as well as experienced specialists will tell about key factors facilitating prosperity of regions and rural areas, and share their practical advice.
Representatives of the APC, you are kindly invited to take part in the business program of “AgroFarm-2021”. We will be pleased to see you at VDNH from March 3 till 5, 2021!