On November 26-27, 2019, VI International Agroindustrial Dairy Forum will be held in the Government House of Krasnogorsk, the Moscow region. The forum will be attended by the Organizing Committee of AGROPHARM, the international exhibition of breeding and livestock technologies.

Key issues of industrial concern to be discussed at the forum:
- Will Russian milk become part of the global market?
- New economy of dairy industry. Technological solutions ensuring growth of competitive performance.
- Livestock breeding: new conditions of selection and breeding activity.
- Introduction of mandatory veterinary certification.
By the end of August 2019, livestock of cows in Russia amounted to more than 8 million heads, thus remaining at the level of the same period of last year. Analysts note that there is a decrease by 0.9% in agricultural organizations and by 0.6% in the private sector, as well as an increase by 4.3% - at farms and individual entrepreneurs. We should note that over the period from 2016 to mid-2018, there was a decline in the number of cows to 7,94 mln. The dynamics of cattle livestock Russia will also be discussed within the VI International AgroIndustrial Dairy Forum.
The Forum will be attended by Andrey Vorobyov, Governor of the Moscow region, Andrey Razin, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow region, Artyom Belov, Director General of the National Union of Milk Producers “Souzmoloko", Sergey Dankvert, Head of the Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Service, heads of the largest enterprises of the industry and related agencies.