The Plenary Session “Transformation of Livestock Support Mechanisms” arranged with the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation will take place on February 4 in the framework of the Business Program.
Time of the event: 12:30–14:00
Venue: Pavilion No.75, Vereschagin Hall (Hall A)

The plenary session will be dedicated to changes of state support tools and new areas of livestock breeding business development. What measures are taken by the state to support enterprises? These important issues are to be discussed by industry experts, market regulators and representatives of the business community. Another one is a system of small enterprise support, agrarian cooperation development, pedigree livestock breeding support, existing mechanisms of preferential loans and credit financing of export-oriented livestock enterprises, as well as other sides of financial and non-financial support of the industry, their efficiency, as well as emerging challenges and new objectives.
The session will be moderated by Igor Abakumov, Ph.D. in Economics, CEO of Krestyanskiye Vedomosti Media Group, Associate Professor of the PR Department in the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy.