EVA Polymer manufactures various products of polymeric materials, EVA synthetic material (ethylene-vinyl acetate). The company will present EVA livestock mats at the AGROFARM Exhibition hosted by VDNH.

These products possess strong thermal-insulating properties and protect junctures of animals when they fall and rise. EVAPOL, a polymeric bedding mat doesn’t absorb water; it’s easy to clean and resistant to aggressive chemical agents. Production capacities allows the company manufacturing mats of various colors, thickness and sizes. As per wishes of customers, mats of any modification can be cut.
Chemical expansion and seaming of the EVA-polymer applied at the enterprise allow getting a light-weight, elastic material of a closed mesh type, with even microporous framework and high stress-related characteristics.
As the researches show, a soft bedding increases milk yields, since the animal is less stressed: it has rest in comfortable conditions, so milk production gets much better. Besides, a soft bedding reduces a risk of udder and dug injuries, and prevents mastitis.