A bill on state regulation and state support for the bee farming industry was introduced into the Tula Regional Duma.

According to the press service of the regional government, 20 million rubles will be allocated to reimburse part of the costs, technical equipment and re-equipment of bee farming. In addition, by the end of this year they will acquire a modern laboratory that will help determine the causes of bee death.
Andrey Zhavoronkov Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Tula region proposed such a solution to the issue of the mass death of bees: to prevent this situation, a responsible employee has now been assigned to the administration of each district, who will oversee the agreements between the beekeepers and the agricultural producers.
In the spring of 2020, beekeepers need to come to the administration of their district and explain where they plan to put their bee yards for honey collection. The responsible official must contact the municipality agrarians, find out the information about the maps of their crops and agree on the places where the hives can be located. In the early spring, the regional Ministry of Agriculture plans to gather all the farmers and once again clarify the plans for sowing season, taking into account the existing winter crops.
“Adoption of the bill on state regulation and support for the bee farming industry is on the agenda,” said Andrey Zhavoronkov. “It is impossible to include all the nuances in it. But after the adoption of this document, the regional Ministry of Agriculture, as the executive body, will have the authority to develop the normative acts.”