The company “Mustang Nutrition Technology” introduced an innovative technology that monitors and optimizes production processes on the dairy farms. The Mustang experts are developing not only the animal feeding system, but also the comprehensive farm development program.

In addition to modern technology, the agricultural enterprises need optimal solutions. Each of the components of the dairy business – animal care, milking, feeding, genetics – is a huge amount of data that is difficult to follow manually. To effectively manage the farm, Mustang Nutrition Technologies, together with its partner ALAN-IT, have developed an Artificial Intelligence system for dairy farms. Innovative technologies collect, process and systematize farm data, and then transfer them in the form of analytical reports and graphs to a computer, phone or tablet. Necessary indicators are collected using the whole block of programs installed on the farm, and data from cameras and sensors are used as well. Thus, you can observe everything that happens on the farm as a whole, as well as a single cow, calculate the cost of its nutrition per day, and understand the reason why the cow began to give less milk.
With the help of this system, it is possible to conduct the analysis of diseases, indicate the reasons for retirement in the livestock number and explain the reasons for the production decline by analyzing the reports on milk production.
The artificial intelligence system also contains a function that optimizes the staff working day. The manager can monitor the work of all the employees and, based on statistics, draw up the production targets.